In this article, we will learn about the Navigational buttons of Tableau.
Many commands are available in Tableau so let’s have a blank workbook and go through the various features under each section. We can see various options on the top menu and these are known as navigational buttons. We will discuss the navigational buttons present in the Tableau interface.
Let’s start by describing all the navigational buttons present in the interface:-
1. File Menu:-
These Navigational Buttons in the menu in the interface are used to create a new workbook and also to export packaged workbooks or in PowerPoints. We can open the workbook either workbooks from local memory or the server.
In the file menu we have different options, let’s describe some important features of the operations.
- To create a new workbook we can select the ‘New’ option from the menu.
- To open a previously created workbook, we can Click on the ‘Open’ option from the menu.
- As to opening we have options, So to close any workbook, we can select the ‘Close’ option from the menu.
- To export created workbook, we ‘Export As Version’ where we can select the version type using which we can select the version.
- ‘Export Packaged Workbook (.twbx)’ option is used to export a packaged workbook with data sources available to the workbook for use.
2. Data Menu: –
These Navigational Buttons in the menu are used to create or to add a new data source to add more insight to the visualization. This navigation button allows us to change the relationship or upgrade the data source.
In the data menu we have different options, let’s describe some important features of the operations.
- Having a data source, but if want to add any data source to the existing workbook, can click ‘New Data Source’. This option will jump onto the Tableau Connection page and through there we select any data source.
- Previously used data Sources can also be used by selecting the ‘Paste’ option.
- If the data source connection is extracted and if there is an update on extracted data set then we can choose ‘Refresh all Extracts’.
- When a data source is connected, some blending and relationships are established but to change the relationship on the present data set we can click on ‘Edit Blend Relationships’.
3. Worksheet Menu: –
These Navigational Buttons help in adding new worksheets and also help in adding various display features like showing the title and captions, summary, Cards etc.
In the Worksheet menu we have different options, let’s describe some important features of the operations.
- To add new sheets, click on ‘New worksheet’. The sheet will be added next to the sheet created
- If a sheet is created we can copy, or export it using ‘Copy’ & ‘Export’ as crosstab, Image or data.
- If want to add any Actions such as parameter action or filter action etc. then can choose ‘Actions’ for the same.
- If the user wants to show tooltips(information) while hovering on various data fields then ‘Tooltips’ can be used.
4. Dashboard Menu: –
This option helps us in creating the dashboard and also helps in adjusting various display features and changing the formats for the dashboard.
In the Dashboard menu we have different options, let’s describe some important features of the operations.
- To add a new dashboard, click on ‘New Dashboard’. The dashboard will be added next to the sheet created.
- To view the dashboard on any application or any sort of device, we can use ‘Device layout’ to change the layout of the created dashboard.
- To change the formatting of the dashboard, we can click on the ‘Format’ option for the same.
- As in the worksheet menu, we had a copy, and export similarly we have these options for the dashboard, by using ‘Copy’ & ‘Export’ the dashboard as a crosstab, Image or data.
5. Story Menu: –
This option helps us in creating the dashboard and also helps in adjusting various display features and changing the formats for the dashboard.
In the Story menu we have different options, let’s describe some important features of the operations.
- To add a new Story, click on ‘New Story’. The Story will be added next to the dashboard created.
- To change the formatting of the Story, we can click on the ‘Format’ option for the same.
- As in the worksheet menu, we have a copy, and export similarly we have these options for Story, by using ‘Copy’ & ‘Export’ in the dashboard as a crosstab, Image or data.
6. Analysis Menu: –
The Analysis Menu helps us in analyzing the data set present in the worksheet. This menu has many features, such as calculating the percentage, adding forecast & trend lines, Creating calculations etc.
In the Analysis Menu we have different options, let’s describe some important features of the operations.
- To create the measure in aggregated form, then we can Select the ‘Aggregated Measures’.
- For calculation, we have the ‘Percentage’ option but it also has options for what we have to calculate the percentage i.e. on the table, column etc.
- Adding a New calculated field to the data set can be achieved by clicking on ‘Create a Calculated Field’.
- To edit the calculated field we have ‘Edit the Calculated Field’
7. Map Menu:-
This Navigation button is used when we have to create a map and do the formatting of the same. These can be used to change the background and other formatting details for the maps.
In the Map Menu we have different options, let’s describe some important features of the operations.
- To add other backgrounds of the maps to the created map, we can select ‘Background maps’.
- To change the background image of the data set, we can select ‘Background Images’.
- To create new geographic areas and assign them to geographic fields in the present data source, we can use ‘Geocoding’.
8. Format Menu: –
This Navigational Button in the menu is used to apply formatting to the visualization to enhance the look sheet and dashboard. It has many options such as Font, alignment, shading, borders etc.
In the Format Menu we have different options, let’s describe some important features of the operations.
- To change the font used in the workbook, we can use the ‘Font’ option.
- To change the alignment of the text used in the workbook, we can use the ‘Alignment’ option.
- To add borders to the table or cell in the workbook, we can use the ‘Borders’ option.
- To add titles & captions to the workbook, we can use the ‘Titles & captions’ option.
- Animations can also enhance the view of the visualization, to add the same we can use the ‘Animations’ option.
Check out other useful Tableau charts below:
- How to create a rounded bar chart in Tableau
- How to create a donut chart in Tableau
- Edit Table calculation in Tableau
- Switch Between YoY and MoM using Parameter Selection
- Add Map Layers in Tableau
- Create and synchronize dual axis in Tableau
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